Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Day 3-4 (The End)

Hey guys, sorry to keep Day 3 postponed but I was extremely tired this day and was barely able to really do much. Day 4 was a good new day for me, however, but I think I am going to actually give this a close. My main problem is that being 16, my body is rapidly changing and growing so I honestly need all the sleep I can get. I must admit though, the experience was almost life changing for me as the past few days have felt like weeks for me. My mind was extremely relaxed, the mental chatter was all gone and my thoughts were extremely fluid and natural. It is possible that I was just experience extreme sleep deprivation but I believe that my brain was starting to adapt to the change. I don't want to cause any problems for my body as its still developing so im going to put my Polyphasic sleep on a hold until im about 18 or maybe even 21 (that is if my lifestyle will allow for it). The hardest part of this sleep is the schedule. The entire world is run on monophasic sleep and attempting to be a polyphasic sleeper when everyone is scrambling to get things done before they go to sleep and go throughout the entire day without sleep is just the way things are. Although, I am looking forward to coming back to trying this out. If this interested you in the least then I suggest for you to try it out at the very least.

I hope I didn't crush anyones hopes in seeing me accomplish this but I guess in the end its a tad overwhelming to the teenage body and mind.

Edit: I noticed I repeat a lot of things or its not exactly the best grammar but its slightly hard for me to think straight right now so bare with it.

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