Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Day 3-4 (The End)

Hey guys, sorry to keep Day 3 postponed but I was extremely tired this day and was barely able to really do much. Day 4 was a good new day for me, however, but I think I am going to actually give this a close. My main problem is that being 16, my body is rapidly changing and growing so I honestly need all the sleep I can get. I must admit though, the experience was almost life changing for me as the past few days have felt like weeks for me. My mind was extremely relaxed, the mental chatter was all gone and my thoughts were extremely fluid and natural. It is possible that I was just experience extreme sleep deprivation but I believe that my brain was starting to adapt to the change. I don't want to cause any problems for my body as its still developing so im going to put my Polyphasic sleep on a hold until im about 18 or maybe even 21 (that is if my lifestyle will allow for it). The hardest part of this sleep is the schedule. The entire world is run on monophasic sleep and attempting to be a polyphasic sleeper when everyone is scrambling to get things done before they go to sleep and go throughout the entire day without sleep is just the way things are. Although, I am looking forward to coming back to trying this out. If this interested you in the least then I suggest for you to try it out at the very least.

I hope I didn't crush anyones hopes in seeing me accomplish this but I guess in the end its a tad overwhelming to the teenage body and mind.

Edit: I noticed I repeat a lot of things or its not exactly the best grammar but its slightly hard for me to think straight right now so bare with it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Day 2

Believe it or not, I hit a pretty large stump with day 2. I guess that my Day 1 was easy because I was actually getting extra sleep with the naps. On Day 2 however, my brain was beginning to go through sleep deprivation. I must say, it was very difficult to sleep and to stay awake. The problem is, trying to go to sleep within the time you set your alarm clock for. You must set it ahead of the 20 minutes by a time you think you will go to sleep by, if you dont make it then your stuck setting another time and so on.

I found myself staring off a few times later into the day. My dreams felt strange as well, it was like I was dreaming before I fell asleep. My reflexes are far slower and my brains ability to process is that of a 5 year olds. To put it to a test, I played a very in depth strategic game called "Company of Heroes". It takes lots of thinking and reflexes to adapt to whats going on, during the 8pm, 12am, 4am and 8am sleeps I found myself barely being able to do anything at all in it. After my 8am sleep though, I found myself being able to respond very rapidly, yet, I was not thinking ahead like I usually would.

Appetite is a pretty large thing as well, I have found myself wanting to eat far more (my body is more active, of course im going to eat more). Im also working out more then I usually do so if anything then this is a body builders ideal sleep, lol. I try to get a light work out after a nap so I will easily go to sleep for my next nap. Its strange though, when you are so used to calling something a day in reference to the amount of time you were awake, its not a term relative to me as my 'day' doesn't end when im ready to sleep for 8-10 hours. Its a continuous (sp?) cycle.

Right now, I'd have to say I am very relaxed with a slight uneased stomache. All in all, I think I am beginning to make an adaption and should see large improvements on Day 3.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Day 1

Alright, I have had a full day of Polyphasic sleep. It was initially hard for me to fall asleep but I managed to each time. It is very important to make sure that you are a little tired physically, not just mentally as at one point I lay there exhausted mentally but completely energenic physically (I had to work out a little bit in order to get to sleep). Do not skip a nap, I repeat, do not ever skip a nap if you are going to do this. I almost did skip a nap and was starting to feel horrible, it would have caused me to oversleep and ruin the entire experiment.

I hope my Day 2 will go as well and perhaps my brain will grow accustom to this sooner then I had realized.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Intro

I have been wanting to try Polyphasic sleep for the past 3 years (since I was about 13) and have been quite intrigued with the topic. I gave it a brief try about a year ago, however, I found myself constantly oversleeping as I had school during the period I attempted it. As well, I was not very dedicated to it either. I have had sleeping problems my entire life and have had insomnia on and off throughout my life.

Polyphasic sleep is sleeping 20 minutes for 6 times a day (night). What this is supposed to do is train your brain to go through REM within those 20 minutes rather then waste hours through useless stages of sleep. A note, REM is the most important part of sleep. Babies are born with polyphasic sleep rather then the monophasic sleep that they grow into. Some animals are also known to do polyphasic sleeping.

Im hoping that my erratic sleeping behaviour will help me be able to start with Polyphasic sleeping. Alright, well im going to post Day 1 around 8pm as that will be an entire day of Polyphasic sleep for me.